I am 29 Jan 1979 and my girlfriend is 02 Feb 1992. I want to marry and not sure of her trust as she cheated before. It’s been since January, how are the two of you now?

Aquarius Compatibility

Offer her experiences, and she will want to take you along. She will challenge you to keep things fresh and exciting, for she grows bored easily. And she may forget dates or be late because of other things she has going on in her life.

Compatibility Star Ratings

Both of these signs in a romantic relationship can form a deep spiritual bond that can transcend the physical and mental state of things. Gemini and Cancer pairing also have some enigmatic sexual chemistry that stems from them being entirely different types of lovers. Gemini is a fun and wild lover who loves to flirt and do mind games. Meanwhile, Cancer is secretive and mysterious, often hiding its mischievous side behind its nice persona.

And Aquarius woman needs to let go of her Gemini man from time to time with the understanding and faith that he will be right back in her life soon enough. She claims she is honest as the day is long, but Gemini man can see right through his Aquarius woman and then he calls her on it and she acts hurt and upset. Gemini man and Aquarius woman need to have a simple relationship or else there is no beginning to be had. They are too business-like and have no reason to waste time on anything else.

What the Aquarius Man Likes about the Sagittarius Woman

Additionally, Sagittarius can be a very fun match for the Aquarius woman. But an Aquarius women might spend way too much time cleaning up Sagittarius’ mess, which can really sour the relationship. After realizing I was the person that everyone around me always came to for dating advice, I decided to merge this skill with my profession – writing.

Many will not be able to understand them at all. But all that matters is that they are good together as a couple. It will be impossible for others to understand what makes them stay together, but this won’t matter as long as they are happy. A Gemini man and an Aquarius woman will respect each other’s independence but can also be very romantic and honest with one another. This is not one of those couples that thrive on doing everything together or spending as much time as possible being in each other’s arms. They are the type of couple that could potentially live quite well not even living together.

An Aquarius woman is often detached from the rest of the world and is also set in her ways about values in life. She is very intuitive and often scary psychic. If it is not her ability to pay attention to fine detail, it will be her intuition telling her about anything wrong. An Aquarius woman is without a doubt very devoted and loyal lover for a deserving man but her detachment can cause her to get away for some fresh air, time to time.

Gemini woman and Aquarius man unite to bring many realities together. They make a whimsical and fantastic reality with a bond that holds true to a friendship as well as a deeper love relationship. Both, the Gemini woman and Aquarius man treasure their friendship because of its security and confidence. Gemini woman is one lady who can charm her way out of any argument and back into her Aquarius lover’s arms. On the other hand, the Aquarius man understands her needs of freedom and independence and gives her satisfying space in the relationship. Gemini man Aquarius woman compatibility can thrive where both partners are strong enough to ignore the disapproval of others.

A Gemini man in love will leave no stone unturned to be with you. You may notice changes in his appearance, smile, and spark in his eyes. Gemini man uses all his communication skills to be in touch with the girl he loves and effectively expresses how he feels about her. He makes time to talk to you and introduce you to his friends and family.

Both of them will drag their feet and because neither is willing to go out on a limb, this may just fizzle out over time. These two probably make fantastic friends and maybe even “friends with benefits” but when it comes down to lifelong goals, they probably lack conviction. And this is where their connection continues, for both the Aquarius female and Gemini male experience their lovemaking on a cerebral level. They enjoy the same sex games and fantasy, and he is just as playful as she is. He even suggested that I go with him to the registry office. I was left completely alone, but I was in no hurry with the answer, but I thought maybe the person was corrected after being with her for 10 years in that cage.

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A Gemini man and Aquarius woman both need to have intellectual stimulation in order to feel sexual attraction. Gemini and Cancer couples seem to have very different ideas of how proper communication should be in a relationship. Cancer might be too much for a Gemini who is often emotionally dry and detached. Gemini and Cancer couples should also focus their time and energy on investing and planning their finances.

Aquarius men and Gemini women present a wonderful match and give credence to the saying; you can never have too much of a good thing. These two intellectual powerhouses are fervently gregarious, eliminating the balancing act often needed when you have introverted friends or partners. Gemini charm sucks anyone in, and few can pass up the genuine friendliness and compassion of an Aquarius. Together the Gemini woman and Aquarius man feel like they can talk about anything, so why not start with your potential for a future together? All signs point to an exciting and joy-filled relationship no matter the type, so let us discover what makes these two signs so ideal for each other.

They can expect lots of playful banter during foreplay and sex itself. Gemini is one of the most changeable and adaptable women in the Zodiac. Aquarius is a versatile and open thinker, but he’s also a fixed sign and can become rigid with his more established lds singles opinions and beliefs. The Gemini woman challenges his rigidity and helps him embody the open-minded ideals that he values. It’s hard for an Aquarius to find someone who gets him, but he recognizes that he’s in good hands with the Gemini woman.

Gemini can exaggerate the truth and tell white lies. When she wants to avoid a bad situation, she might simply not tell the truth if it benefits her. The Aquarius man puts truth-telling on a pedestal and doesn’t like manipulative people or liars. When she wants to talk, text, or hang out all the time. In Art History and Philosophy but she has been studying astrology for over 10 years now.